Do you know that feeling when you talk to a person you really appreciate, and it lights up your heart when you have the chance to spend time with such an inspirational human being?
Then you feel the same as everybody else does.
There are a few people out there that are just radiant and when they enter a room people just kind of feel-good in their presence.
Now, let’s take a look at this emotion when it comes to leadership. Leadership of your own and your business.
Are you the kind of leader people feel good around?
Do people open up when they talk with you and appreciate – or even seek – your feedback?
If so, then you are a real gem in your industry.
Maya Angelou said it so simple but true:
“People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” (Maya Angelou)
Emotional Intelligence is such a big word in nowadays economy, but do we really know what it means?
It does not mean that we simply have to be empathetic. It means that we are reflective of ourselves and analyse and “shape” our thoughts for the sake of getting better.
This is what emotionally intelligent people are spreading – positivity and connection with the people around them.
It is the optimum way of representing positive leadership.
Or is it?
I want to show you three leadership styles in a rough description and I want you to fit yourself in them.
Those are not necessarily referring to the model of the 10 organizational leadership styles proposed by various authors, but more a distinction I see on a day-to-day basis.
So, in which style do you see yourself most?
- Laissez faire / no supervision, full freedom:
You let your team-members contribute self-responsible results. If they do not submit, there are usually not immediate consequences following. - Empowering / constructive, collaboration:
You empower and trust your team-members’ abilities accordingly to their skills and give constructive feedback. You may actively ask for feedback. You constantly look for improvement. - Autocratic / in control, detailed instruction:
You feel safe with knowing what people are doing and having full control of what is going on in the teams and the results. You give a step-by-step instruction for each task.
There are for sure pros and cons in each leadership style and you might find yourself a little bit in each of them.
But like with everything in life – the middle of the bar (empowering, constructive, collaborative leadership style) is the golden benchmark. Emotional intelligence thrives your company culture and people most likely are loving to be an appreciated member of your team.
You see the positivity in things, you embrace change, you adapt quickly since you are constantly seeking improvement.
People are usually feeling good around you, and actively working with you comes and goes with your ability to connect with them on their emotional path where they seek certainty and clarity.
Change will always happen, as philosopher Heraclitus already wisely said.
“The only constant in life is change.” (Heraclitus)
It will require hard work and your ability to get your people on the same page if you are leading a team, a family or a group.
But you will get there if you decide to do so.
>> Want more information on “getting there”? Then you have to contact me.
Answer these 2 questions for free access to an online event that I am going to host on
Thursday, May 28, at 10 am PDT,
for a selected group of industry-leaders and business-owners.