+1.250.575.7890 alex@theothercoaching.com

3 Tips For 2020 Leadership
Let’s be honest, nobody likes to not be accepted by fellow colleagues at work.

When we are starting a new job, we hope that people we are going to work with will like us.
As a leader, it might be a bit tougher to get a foot in the door when hired into an established workforce.
Employees had survived without that person to lead them, so why would they now need a stranger to tell them how business works?
So, new hires in leadership might encounter rough paths in getting their duties done and message across when dealing with people that have been around for a while – they are teamed up, know each other and work on projects together.

Another aspect is young executives in traditional organizations who are experiencing a hard time being judged, not taken seriously and trying to not get “eat’n alive” when they enter a new environment.

Here are my top 3 tips on how to make sure that you are going to have a positive impact when starting a job as a new leader:


1. Natural Curiosity

As a new manager of a team it will be important to, first of all, to get to know your people. The best way to do this would be through one-on-one meetings.
Find out what thrives them, how they feel in their role and what their values are.
Chances are high that you will find out as well why they are working with this specific company as the significance of their workplace for them.

Another thing to ask for is their expectation towards their new manager – you.

You won’t have to dig deep to get a clear picture and a first appreciation from your new team members by being available, a good listener and showing that you care.


2. Motivational Leadership

Do you know this uncomfortable feeling of doing a task that you don’t like at all, but it is part of your job?
You do for sure!
And the truth is the reason you don’t like to do this task is that the required actions don’t belong to your natural strengths.
This is what your team and everyone you will ever deal with feel as well.
People might do their job, but they just “do their job”, if you know what I mean.

It is your job as a leader to help people to remember the vision and mission they are contributing to with their individual strengths and responsibilities.

Engage people with finding out what their strengths are and work with those instead of trying to eliminate weaknesses.
You will see, not only the individual will thank you, but the overall success with your team.


3. Contribution Efficiency

Leadership means combining the power of people being good at different things into one great workforce.

So, in order to best gain commitment and motivation from all team members to achieve common goals, it is important to collaborate with people instead of controlling them.
This does not only apply for modern workplaces but as well in traditional hierarchies to change the pace and direction for the big picture to succeed in a new kindness economy with five involved and different generations.

When you know your people and know what drives them it is upon you to trust in self-responsible results – and getting out of their way when things are getting done.

The evaluation of process and results lies in the feedback culture that you are going to establish within your new team.

When you follow these simple principles, you will see how much faster and more comfortable it will be to be accepted as a leader.
You will experience that people appreciate working with someone who is listening, attentive and empowering.
There is nothing more destructive to a team than leaders who are not listening, belittling people, and taking credits for someone else’s job instead of strategically laying the groundwork for a positive relationship with people who love what they do.


>> How do you establish your relationship with colleagues and team members? Let me know.


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